Functions of Tunnel Lamp

Led Tunnel lamps are mainly used for tunnels, workshops,  warehouses, venues, metallurgy and various factories, and are most suitable for urban landscape, billboards, and building facades for beautifying lighting.

Factors considered in tunnel lighting design include length, line type, road surface type, presence or absence of sidewalks, structure of link roads, design speed, traffic volume and vehicle types, etc., and also consider light source light color, lamps, arrangement.

Functions of Tunnel Lamp

The light efficiency of LED light source is a basic indicator to measure the efficiency of its tunnel light source. According to the actual requirements of LED tunnel lights, the light efficiency used needs to reach a certain level to meet the needs of replacing traditional sodium lamps and metal halide lamps for road lighting.

1. Ordinary tunnels have the following special visual problems:

(1) Before entering the tunnel (daytime): Due to the great difference in brightness inside and outside the tunnel, when viewed from the outside of the tunnel, a "black hole" phenomenon will be seen at the entrance of the tunnel.


(2) After entering the tunnel (daytime): After a car enters a tunnel that is not too dark from the bright exterior, it takes a certain amount of time to see the inside of the tunnel, which is called the "adaptation lag" phenomenon.


(3) Tunnel exit: In the daytime, when a car passes through a long tunnel and approaches the exit, due to the extremely high external brightness seen through the exit, the exit appears to be a "white hole", which will present extremely strong glare, nighttime is the opposite of daytime, and what you see at the exit of the tunnel is not a bright hole but a black hole, so that the driver cannot see the line shape of the external road and the obstacles on the road.


The above are the problems that need to be improved in tunnel lamp design and to bring a good visual experience for the driver.




Post time: Sep-16-2022